For everyone who still have not learned to speak 'estonés'

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cala boca, filho da p*ta

We visited Denmark last week. Ryanair took us there and at least some of us (you can guess if I was one of them or not) were in great ear-pain while landing. Nice... Welcome to Scandinavia, the place of cold winters and boring lives. Ok, I'm being too harsh again...

The whole idea why we went there was a event called "Development Conference 2005". It took place in a similar institucion like CICD with a lot of international people, youngsters who are eager to make a difference and a bit older people who have done it in the seventies and try to pass on the spirit now... Actually... ok. it's nice to TALK and DISCUSS and BLABLA about how bad is the situation with HIV (The winner of the worst-scale in Europe is Estonia, just to let you know - but I knew it even before the conference) and we need to end all poverty and peace and etc. BUT. I am all allergic to the word pair "group discussion" from now on. The pattern looks like this: a woman talks about some "facts and figures" and "tendencies of the world" on some kind of relevant topic (such as "Fighting poverty is a human obligation for all people") and then we go and discuss in groups of 10 or so and then we come back and all the groups present what is it that they were discussing... The sad truth is that not much new was said during first three groups. And the next three neither. And the last four... And we did it like 3-4 times. So, it is soooo nice to make big words and change the world, especially when the key people are hippie German just-got-out-of-teenagers... huh... I mean, it's nice to see active and positive and cheerful and we-can-change-the-world-if-we-all-just-join-hands-attitute, but... maybe I'm getting a bit too old or impatient or realistic for this merda.

So, I got just a little bit nervös, when I heard that we will organise a similar event here THIS weekend. Oh well.. I'm the host and in leadership committee plus doing at least 2 presentations. But I'm a DI and will make a difference, so...

And the last day in the "big" conference in Denmark we all went out and collected money for AIDS project in Zimbwabwe. It was the world Aids day, after all. I think we got like 95000 danish kronor in total which is like £9000. Not too bad. But there were too many Estonians in the streets of Copenhagen.

could anyone teach me how to write an interesting blog? like the ones people do not read only because they want to be nice to someone?

one day i will be a big and famous playwriter. you'll see!!!! (hysterical laughter) or maybe just big... and not famous and not a playwriter.... (even more hysterical laughter) don't worry, i'm alllllllrigggggght (like anyone would worry)

we were supposed to spend like a week in manchester in few days at paul's cousin's place. today we heard that she had an accident yesterday and she died in hospidal last night. the world is a funny place. maybe we could have been friends...

which reminds me my brazilian penfriend with whom i was writing before i went there. we were supposed to meet up there, but somehow we lost the contact before that. i found his e-mails some months ago and sent him a cheerful hello, i was there but now i'm back and we didn't even meet. the letter came back. with a little help of orkut i found out why he stopped writing me last spring. because of being an active member of society the policia militar had shot him dead 1,5 years ago from now.
actually, there was a really good speaker at the conference as well. he was a guest speaker and i was listening, mokk töllakil, the whole time. Jan Oberg, find him out. and a little indirect quote from him... it's not peace we're talking about in the world right now. it's

w a r l e s s n e s s


Blogger Anastasia said...

kesse tüüp seal pildil on? mingi veider tüüp on. su uus mees vä?

mina nüüd küll õige inimene ei ole sinu blogiprobleemile vastamiseks, sest mul endal sama probleem. i guess you have to leave the address in as many places as possible and have lots of friends.. and even that doesn't always help. my new classmates don't read my blog because it takes too much effort - lazy french people, what do you want..

i guess you shouldn't write out of the obligation but out of inspiration. like your plays. why not write blog-plays??? :p

aga ikkagi. kesse tüüp on siis lõpuks?

1:44 PM

Blogger Kristiina said...

tänan küsimast, pildil on tegemist zsolt molneriga, minu vanima tiimikaaslasega, who's not just old, but also fashionable. ungari ärimees. parempoolne, mitte just paremäärmuslane, aga noh, siinses õhkkonnas küll. poliitisete ja sotsiaalsete küsimuste üle ei saa me eriti sõbralikult vestelda. küll aga võime tundide kaupa padada reisimisest (millega ta on tegelenud väga palju), suhteprobleemidest, coca colast (tema armastab ja mina vihkan), macdonaldsist (vaata eelmiste sulgude vahele) ja paljust muust. momendil on ta lihtsalt üks väheseid inimesi, kellega ma siin normaalselt läbi saan. ja kellega saab alati pulli ja nalja ja natuke kalja...;)

ja tal on väga ilus tüdruk(nais)sõber. me mõlemad loodame, et ükskord joppab ka minul. et ehk muutuks ma siis vähe softimaks, kui praegu olen.. irw...

6:42 PM

Blogger Kristiina said...

und wir üben auch deutsch mit zsoltie, ist es nicht war?

ps!ja ma ei vihka kokat, lihtsalt mulle ei meeldi üldsemittekohe...

7:01 PM

Blogger Maiu said...

et siis ainult viisakusest... ma arvan, et minu oma ei loe eriti keegi, ka viisakusest mitte. tegelikult vastupidiselt sinu humoorikalt/kirjeldavale on ju minu oma segane joba mingite v2ga sisenaljadega pikitud. nii sise, et endal l2heb ka kuu aja p2rast meelest 2ra. ja mis puutub viisakusse, siis minu viisakus on siiras huvi, et mis sa vahepeal teinud oled ja ega sa surnud pole. ja sellest oli juba kuradi kaua, kui sa viimati blogisid.
igaljuhul. cheers!
v6i nagu meie, ehk vabatahtlikud siin belgias, armastame 8elda.
nad raisad t6esti jumaldavad seda s6na esimese kuulmise j2rel ja mlde j22b ka h2sti, sest kasutamisv6imalust on palju.
ja yks asi veel, skandinaavid, ehk norrakad, on meil k6ige hullemad. aga noh, eks me k6ik kolm ju tea, et v2ljamaal elamiseks peabki kiiksuga olema.
btw, shouldn't you say playwright?

3:24 PM

Blogger Maiu said...

hehh, su kommentaar oli igati asjakohane. kuigi ma pole kyll nii argip2evan oskajagi veel, aga p6him6tteliselt redutseerivad native spakerid ..irw... k6ik algajad ka k6ikidel muudel elualadel imbetsillideks. kui keelt ei oska, siis oledki kohe loll. sellest murest vist saavadki aru ainult inimesed, kes sama kogenud on. muidugi mulle meeldib kui mind korrigeeritakse, sest kuidas muidu ma 6pin... aga k6ik vead ei ole p6him6ttelised, ega tulne v2hesst keelteadlikusest, vaid v2hsest r22kimiskogemusest. nipetagem neid n2puvigadeks. just n2iteks artikli vead. ma tean, et on naissoost, aga ytlen meessoost ja siis parandan ennast ise, asi pole selles, et ma sugudest kunagi kuulnud poleks. voh.
peaks looma v66rkeele6ppijate 6iguste kaitse organistatsiooni, kes rutakatel parandajatel ja targutajatel keele otsast naksab v6i miskit. aga sa v6iksid siia j2lle blogida, et kes v6i mis ja kuidas ja kellega. pole ammu uudisi...

12:37 PM

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3:25 PM

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3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:26 PM


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