For everyone who still have not learned to speak 'estonés'

Sunday, July 03, 2005

up up and away

hey again
My mood is goin up up and then down again. The F***ing Fantastic and Fabulous Three is dead, there is no close friend like Danguole anymore. She... I don't know what happened. She got her long-desired Swede Andreas and everybody else just seemed to lose importance in her eyes. Well, anybody can fall in love, but it doesn't mean you have to act like a bitch to people who you sent away crying just 2 weeks earlier. Now Andreas has left and Dangole went to Newcastle. So, I can enjoy the company of in 2007-to be married couple Ray and Paul, about 8 new Estonians and dozens and dozens of other new guys. Plus the good old gang, of course. Fero, an older brother, Raul, cute little Mexican and manymany others. But some people have also left, like Joszef (Good morning darling!!!), nice quiet Polish hippie guy Macek and funny quiet Karol from... Poland as well, I believe. All nice people.
Last week I was co-driving Slovenian guy Bostjan while collecting clothes. He's really fun to be around normally, but he's a nervous driver. We had some loud arguments. :) But we kind of learned each other's ways of working so it turned out quite ok I guess. For example on Saturday we were sitting in a pub somewhere near to Doncaster and watching Live 8 from telly. And swearing that damn, we should have gone there ourselves... that what the hell are we doing here, collecting these stupid clothes... and we almost took off with the van to London. Well, not quite but we would have loved to do that. And some lads gave us their untouched chips!! For free:)
Coldplay rules. And U2 too, of course. It's a beautiful day... well, not all the days are so beautiful here but it's ok. For example this weekend I've been kind of happy because of mysterious picture Fero finally gave me and another nice picture that Liam gave me (and that he painted himself!!!). Liam is 41, Scottish (well, actually he's Billy and English but he doesn't like it when I tell him the truth and that's why he's saying I'm Russian... he bloody bastard) and he likes to think he's 25 and not old, but experienced. haha.... anyway. next two weeks i'll be in promotion, so hopefully I'll have time to put up more pictures and write some creative stuff... maybe..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Krissu!
Lugesin üle pika aja jälle. Mõnus on täica kuulda mis sul seal toimub. ja kurb kuulda et sul masendus külas käib :(
Tahtsin küsida selle Maceki kohta. Kas ta juhuslikult õpib soome keelt? Ma jooksin kokku ka ühe MAcekiga Poolast, siuke pika juukseline ja vaikne :)

5:53 PM


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