For everyone who still have not learned to speak 'estonés'

Sunday, May 01, 2005

From the former madhouse

How do you do, everybody?

Two days ago I sat onto the plane, flew 3 hours to London, did not get a stamp to my passport (how sad), changed the chilean pesos I still had and could not change in Estonia, bought a coach ticket to London bus station and got there one hour before the bus arrived. After listening to endless warnings from the loudspeakers about leaving your luggage unattended and breathing this funny, strict and multicultural air of UK I finally got onto the bus that took me to Hull in about 5 hours. I was ready to have trouble getting to CICD (College for International Co-operation and Development, my home for next 10 months) which is around 30 minutes drive from Hull, but Bulgarian guy Vlado was meeting like 25 metres away so I got there safe and sound.:)

The first night I learned that there are almost 10 other Estonians (!!!) and only Hungarians can beat us with numbers. Plus other 20+ nationalities from 4 continents I I greeted like 20 people and didn't remember anybody's name. They didn't seem to be too happy to hear I'm from Estonia.. ANOTHER ONE!!! The funny thing is that one my old aquintance is here, and somebody I know through somebody else...Estonians are like one big family... (yeahright) Anyway, but that's not all - among about 5 Brazilians there is a guy from Porto Alegre!!!! Wow, we were discussing the amazing party life on Lima and Silva and legendary Adriano's bar etc... it's so weird... the world is tiny... and so many people can speak German, it's unbelievable. I talked German to Brazilians, Mexican etc.

People seem to get a bit overwhelmed with the fact that I'm 20 and speak 5 languages (more-less)... well, I know a German guy, who's like 24 or less and speaks at least 10 languages!!! I already learned how to say thank you in Japanese and hello in Korean but I forgot. Number of times.

Today we were playing volleyball and now my hand hurts. And it's partly blue. Hmm... I sucked in the game, but people left in good mood because they had had a good laugh...:D I am getting better in table tennis though.

Sounds like we only have fun here, doesn't it? It isn't true actually. This was an open weekend, when everybody is free to do whatever they want. Tomorrow a real life starts wit breakfast at 7:30 and day full of responsabilities and duties. Oh well...

I share a room with 19-year old Canadian girl Rayanne. She's ok and quite funny as vezes... The school system is that you move basically every few months. To avoid that, one should live with somebody in a double room with matrimonial bed... in a word, I should get a boyfriend so they wouldn't make me move to a new room so often. We'll see. Nobody breathtaking so far :)

By the way, the school is a former mental institution. Hehe... and I'm still about to hear all the ghost stories.Somewhere near in the woods should be gravestones. And one of the patients killed like 3 others and 2 doctors etc. And there are weird rooms in the different building that noone can understand what they're for... spooooky....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kris! Awesome site! You really captured the bus station warnings! Same at Kings Cross! LOL, yea England!! Yeah CICD! No fun :(, but we will ,make it fun together! :)
Love Ray

12:53 PM

Blogger Newe said...

GOGGO estonians are everywhere:D Feeling a bit jealous that I'm not one of these estonians...

7:22 PM

Blogger maimu said...

that is NOT true! :D
they STILL make you move.
(i'm in my fourth room now. going to my fifth next month. ... and plenty of time till november.. )

3:31 PM


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