For everyone who still have not learned to speak 'estonés'

Monday, April 04, 2005

Funny pictures

If anyone's interested, one of my friends has a site online that has quite a number of pics from April, 2004. And we had a little girls' night at my place one day. If you wanna see a lot of stupid posed pictures, less natural ones, how my room looks (looked) like, check out

PS! The white little soft fellow that is in every 3rd pictures is the one I share a bed with every night I'm at home!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Oi! Óla! Hi! Hallo! etc

Hello my dear friends, aquintances and lovers (humm..) around the world! At last I have done what promised to do a long time ago - my very own blog in a language spoken by more than 1,5 million people! Now all you guys from Switzerland and Canada, from Brazil and France, from Japan and Chile etc have an exclusive chance to read about my super-interesting life and everything that I think (or actually the part I dare to publish).

So, here we go. For people who know me before Brazil a short (a really short) summary of the trip:
I went to Brazil, I stayed for 6 months - talking English with babies, learning slowly Portugues, getting more tanned than ever, learning a LOT about life and myself (not getting it clear yet, of course - who would?) and eating way too much pizza and other junk-food. After this, I discovered a bit of Argentina and Chile on my own, meeting beautiful (not as beautiful as Brazilians though...) and interesting and fun people and practicing a lot of spanish.

I've been in Estonia for 1,5 weeks now and actually I feel quite "normal". I mean, I can understand what the shop assistant sais even if she speaks very quickly (not if she speaks Russian though), I know where all the public transport goes (except the trolley-buses, they have always confused me and I rather don't take them because they are often crowded and I am afraid I will get lost in some city part I am not familiar with - even though trolleys are environment-friendly...) I have my shampoo in the bathroom and not somewhere in my backpack, I have a lot wider choice of clothes (most of them don't fit me anymore but oh well) and smaller choice of shoes (what could I possibly wear with snow if my mother threw away both pairs of my winter shoes - well, they were pretty old and sad-looking I admit) and don't have to worry about paying for food, accommondation etc. So I just relax, sleep 7-11 hours per night, eat what I want (joghurt and other quality food :D ) and try to make a world record in highest number of visits to theatre per month.

About the notorious weather of Estonia - well, it's a place where you can get killed by an icicle. Really, sometimes it can be dangerous to walk on the sidewalk, just because maybe something cold and sharp falls just directly to (or through?) your head... hehe, but really, it's the case only during spring when the icicles start to melt from the sides of roofs (I'm not sure if it's the right word for räästas in Estonian, help is welcome). During rest of the year you can just admire the beauty of these creations of Old Weather Man.

It actually felt freezing when I got off the plane and it continued that way for like a week or so. The temperature was about 0...6 C, but minus degrees at night made it feel worse. The last days have been quite ok, the sun is shining, the snow is melting and everything that was hidden under the snow is now coming to daylight - dog shit, other shit, unknown stuff... This all must be nice and useful for all the upcoming flowers. Today it got so hot (did I really write hot?) that I had to take my jacket off! And I didn't freeze just with my warm sweater and a blouse. Oh, wonderful spring of Estonia! People get so funny and crazy around here when at last it feels like the winter is finally slowly fading away. Everone around me is wether madly in love, pregnant or already a happy young parent. What's for me, is that... Well, I'm ok but every now and then get a bit melanholic. It's not just the fact that I am white as snow (very original) again or even that I don't hear 250 compliments per day anymore (just kidding - THIS is not bothering me)... It's just... I don't know. I am happy to be here but sometimes I miss people or stuff from Brazil. Or Argentina. Or even Chile. Ok, not e v e n Chile - it was pretty amazing over there as well... I guess that's normal or what.

So, I'm waiting for comments in any language I understand (portuguesisch, Spanish, Inglés, Alemana) and if you are as stingy as Estonians with comments, the blog will find its end soon!! I'm warning you!:)

I might add some inside-stuff in German, Spanish or Portugues (probably not in English) like this one:

ALEXANDRE: Tem agora uma tarefa (ou provavalmente mais como um favor por mim) - traduzir meu blog para tudo mundo en Porto Alegre (especialmente ´a Piqui) que nao intende inglés ainda. Pode ser? Muito-muito obrigada! Nao como traduzir oficialmente escrevendo ou assim! Só como ler o que tem aqui e entao contar para outros. Ta bom?
Obrigada querido!